According to the latest Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) for 2025, Goce Delchev University – Shtip (UGD) is the highest-ranked higher education institution in Macedonia, ranking first out of three ranked universities. The overall national ranking of Goce Delchev University is in the best first quarter (Q1). In the Eastern Europe and Russia Region, Goce Delchev University ranks 192nd out of 476 ranked universities.
What are Scimago Institutions Rankings?
Scimago Institutions Rankings (SIR) is an internationally recognized ranking system that assesses the research output and impact of universities and research institutions worldwide. The ranking is based on a composite indicator that combines three different sets of indicators based on research results (50%), innovation results (30%) and societal impact (20%), and is based on an analysis over a five-year period.
Only institutions that have a certain minimum of scientific production, i.e. at least 100 publications indexed in Scopus in the last year, are ranked.
The data source is the publications and citations of authors who have published with the institution’s affiliation in Scopus, as well as the databases: PATSTAT, Google, Semrush, Unpaywall, PlumX and Overton for assessing innovation, web visibility, open access and societal impact. The indicators are designed so that some depend on the size of the institution, and some do not, allowing for equal comparisons between institutions of different sizes.
The significance of the high ranking for UGD
This ranking represents a significant progress for the University “Goce Delchev” – Shtip, which has been showing continuous growth in academic and research activities for several years. UGD supports the increase in the number of papers published in prestigious scientific journals, cooperation with companies and institutions in various scientific fields, as well as participation in projects and initiatives at the European and global level through a series of measures.
With this, UGD students get the opportunity to be part of a university that is actively developing and gaining greater international visibility. Improving scientific credibility can mean greater chances for cooperation with foreign universities, better employment opportunities after graduation, and increased access to research projects and practices.
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