Goce Delcev University – Stip (UGD) has not sign any contracts with private companies and individuals regarding the recruitment of students for the 2024/25 academic year. The university has never authorised anyone to represent it and there are no official authorised representatives of UGD or any other faculty.
Prospective students can register to the Foreign students registration system (bellow) and then they will receive admission information throughout the year.
Goce Delcev University – Stip (UGD) has not sign any contracts with private companies and individuals regarding the recruitment of students for the academic years. The university has never authorised anyone to represent it and there are no official authorised representatives of UGD or any other faculty.
- Music academy https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Art academy https://la.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Film Academy https://fa.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences https://fptn.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Computer Sciences https://fi.ugd.edu.mk/studii/prvCiklus
- Faculty of Agriculture https://zf.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering https://mf.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Electrical engineering https://etf.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Technology https://ttf.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Medical Sciences https://fmn.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Economics https://ef.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Law https://pf.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics https://ftbl.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Educational Sciences https://fon.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Faculty of Philology https://ff.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
Пријавување на кандидатите | 20, 21, 22 и 23 август | 5 и 6 септември | 18 и 19 септември |
Објавување на прелиминарни резултати | 26 август | 10 септември | 20 септември |
Приговори на прелиминарни резултати | 27 август | 11 септември | 23 септември |
Објавување на решение за прием на кандидатите | 30 август | 13 септември | 25 септември |
Запишување на кандидатите | 2, 3, и 4 септември | 16 и 17 септември | 26 и 27 септември |
After registering in the electronic system, you can deliver the documents to the International Student office, Address: „Krste Misirkov“ No.10-A P.O. Box 201, Stip 2000, North Macedonia. e-mail: internationalstudentservice@ugd.edu.mk
Delivery of documents can be done after 05.08.2024 in the period from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The documents must be submitted no later than the last day for admission according to the competition.
Address for submission of objections: prigovori@ugd.edu.mk
Objection submission form (completed to be sent to the specified address): Form
- First admission deadline: 27 august,
- Second admission deadline: 11 September,
- Third admission deadline: 23 September
Се информираат сите примени странски студенти на УГД, на англиските програми дека е потребно да ги реализираат следните чекори за да го комплетираат процесот на пријавување и запишување на УГД:
- Приложување на оригиналните документи во канцеларијата за странски студенти на УГД:
а. Решение за нострификација на диплома од средно образование, издадено од Министерство за Образование и Наука (оригинални документи):
б. Диплома од средно училиште, оригинал (со апостилен печат);
в. Транскрипт од оценки од средно образование (свидетелства);
г. Извод од матична книга на родени;
д. Државјанство / документ за престој.
- Плаќање / регулирање на сите потребни трошоци за ПРИЈАВУВАЊЕ и за ЗАПИШУВАЊЕ. Во табелата пишува на која шифра колку средства е потребно да се плати за пријавување и запишување согласно тоа каде сте примени (на која насока):
Трошоците може да се платат со физички уплатници (банка, пошта) и истите се приложуваат заедно со останатите документи од точка 1 во канцеларија за странски студенти, со тоа што во прилог има примерок за:
- Англиски програми (General medicine – 6125 денари, Computer engineering and technologies – 3065 денари, International law and International relations – 3065 денари):
- Македонски програми (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина, Компјутерско инженерство и технологии, Физиотерапевти, Машинско инженерство):
- Уплатница за пријавување на износ од 300 денари:
- Македонски програми (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина, Компјутерско инженерство и технологии, Физиотерапевти, Машинско инженерство):
- Уплатница за административна такса од 50 денари:
- За англиски програми (General medicine, Computer engineering and technologies, International law and international relations):
- Уплатница од 100 денари за административна такса:
- Уплатница за дел/сите останати трошоци за студирање во прв семестар (General medicine – 183750 денари, Computer engineering and technologies – 65900 денари за цел семестар ИЛИ НАЈМАЛКУ 35275 денари денари, International law and International relations – 65900 денари за цел семестар ИЛИ НАЈМАЛКУ 35275 денари):
- За македонски програми (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина, Физиотерапевти, Компјутерско инженерство и технологии, Машинско инженерство):
- Уплатница од 100 денари за административна такса:
- За македонски програми (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина, Физиотерапевти, Компјутерско инженерство и технологии, Машинско инженерство):
- Уплата за партиципација на приходна шифра 723012 (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина и Физиотерапевти – 45940 денари или најмалку 22970 денари; Компјутерско инженерство и технологии и Машинско инженерство – 30625 денари или најмалку 15315 денари);
- Уплата за лабораториски материјал / теренска настава на приходна шифра 723014 (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина и Физиотерапевти – 6125 денари; Компјутерско инженерство и технологии и Машинско инженерство – 1000 денари);
- Уплата за трошоци за студирање на приходна шифра 723019, 2350 денари за сите програми;
- Уплата за ИКСА и студентско собрание на приходна шифра 723119, 910 денари за сите програми;
Овие четири (4) уплатници се уплатуваат како на сликата во продолжение (се менува само приходната шифра и сумата)
- Уплата за спортски центар (иста за сите):
ВАЖНО: При приложување на документите и уплатниците во канцеларијата за странски студенти, ќе биде потребно да ги информирате вработените во канцеларијата за изборниот предмет во Вашиот прв семестар, за истиот да биде додаден во Вашите електронски досиеја.
Сите досиеја за кои нема да биде регулирана финансиската состојба (платени трошоци за упис + партиципација за прв семестар) или имаат некомплетни документи ќе бидат деактивирани / исклучени. Во овој момент, привремените е-индекси се целосно функционални како и за сите други студенти.
Повеќе информации за плаќањата (плаќања од странство и друго) на https://www.ugd.edu.mk/en/admissions-first-cycle/.
Повеќе информации во канцеларијата за странски студенти: dimitar.ljubotenski@ugd.edu.mk, adrijana.vasileva@ugd.edu.mk.
Локација на канцеларија за странски студенти на УГД: https://maps.app.goo.gl/EzLudyqjK3TewQsU7
Со почит,
Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ во Штип.
International students, who plan to enrol in one of the study programs in the Macedonian language, must have completed the preparatory courses for Macedonian language.
The university is organizing a preparatory course for Macedonian language for two semesters duration. Electronic Admission: https://eupisi.ugd.edu.mk/.
Due to electronic admission, the candidate should upload the following documents:
- Confirmation from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia that the procedure of diploma validations is started, issued by the Ministry of Education and science due to the submission of documents for Validation;
- Secondary school diploma with an apostille stamp (or, for nations outside the Hague Convention, a stamp from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of four-year secondary education – notarized copy;
- Secondary school diploma with an apostille stamp (or, for nations outside the Hague Convention, a stamp from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of four-year secondary education – translated into Macedonian by an official court interpreter-notarized;
- Transcripts of the grades of the four-year secondary education- notarized copy;
- Transcripts of the records of the four-year secondary education- translated into Macedonian by an official court interpreter -notarized;
- Birth certificate – notarized copy;
- Birth certificate – translated into Macedonian by an official court interpreter-notarized;
- Certificate of residence or citizenship – notarized copy;
- Certificate of residence or citizenship – translated into Macedonian by an official court interpreter;
- Copy of passport or identity card;
- Payment of the admission fee online with bank card;
All documents could be submitted personally in the International Student office,
Address: „Krste Misirkov“ No.10-A
P.O. Box 201,
Stip 2000, North Macedonia.
Preparatory courses for Macedonian language are not obligatory for candidates from Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. The knowledge of the Macedonian language, they have to prove it by taking an exam at the Language Institute at faculty of philology at the University.
The fees for the Macedonian and English language courses for foreign students are the following:
- Macedonian language course for foreign students, level А1 (240 lessons) – 500 EUR;
- Macedonian language course for foreign students, level А2 (220 lessons) – 400 EUR;
- Macedonian language course for foreign students, level B1 (220 lessons) – 400 EUR;
- English language course, level А1 (120 lessons) – 300 EUR;
- English language course, level А2 (120 lessons) – 300 EUR;
- English language course, level B1 (120 lessons) – 300 EUR;
- English language course, level B2 (120 lessons) – 300 EUR;
The candidates for the Macedonian language course for foreign students should pay the fee on the following account:
- Назив на примачот –УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ-ГОЦЕ ДЕЛЧЕВ
- Жиро сметка – 100000000063095
- Износ – А1 (30.800) / А2 (24.680), Б1 (24.680)
- Сметка на корисник – 1600160330 788 22
- Приходна шифра и програма – 723113
- Програма – 44
The candidates for the English language course should pay the fee on the following account:
- Цел на дознака– КУРС ПО АНГЛИСКИ ЈАЗИК
- Назив на примачот –УНИВЕРЗИТЕТ-ГОЦЕ ДЕЛЧЕВ
- Жиро сметка – 100000000063095
- Износ – 18.450 ден.
- Сметка на корисник – 1600160330 788 22
- Приходна шифра и програма – 723113
- Програма – 44
Goce Delcev University – Stip (UGD) has not sign any contracts with private companies and individuals regarding the recruitment of students for the academic years. The university has never authorised anyone to represent it and there are no official authorised representatives of UGD or any other faculty.
Goce Delcev University is accepting applications for its undergraduate and integrated academic studies programs offered in English for the 2023/2024 academic year. Various faculties of the institution offer these programs. There are three registration deadlines. The number of places available for each study program is specified in the call for applications.
Duration | ECTS | Number of vacancies | Faculty | Additional enrolment conditions | |
Integrated Academic Studies of General Medicine https://www.ugd.edu.mk/documents/studiski-programi/en/medicina/en_Curriculum_General_medicine.pdf | 12 semesters /6 years | 360 | 80 | Faculty of Medical Sciences | Entrance exams |
Academic Studies of International Law and International Relations https://pf.ugd.edu.mk/documents/studiski/1-ciklus/2021/International-Law.pdf | 6 semesters/3 years | 180 | 40 | Faculty of Law | – |
Academic Studies of Computer Engineering and Technologies https://fi.ugd.edu.mk/documents/studii/prvCiklus/2023/StudyProgramAndDescriptors.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | 70 | Faculty of Computer sciences | – |
Academic Studies of Jazz Guitar https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Guitar-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | 4 | Academy of Music | Entrance exams |
Academic Studies of Jazz Trumpet https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Trumpet-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | 3 | Academy of Music | Entrance exams |
Academic Studies of Jazz Saxophone https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Saxophone-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | 3 | Academy of Music | Entrance exams |
Academic Studies of Jazz Percussions https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Percusions-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | 3 | Academy of Music | Entrance exams |
Academic Studies of Jazz Piano https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Piano-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | 3 | Academy of Music | Entrance exams |
Academic Studies of Jazz Bass* https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Bass-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | 3 | Academy of Music | Entrance exams |
Academic Studies of Jazz Singing https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Singing-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | 3 | Academy of Music | Entrance exams |
Contemporary Dance Performance | 6 semesters/3 years | 180 | 10 + 5 | Academy of Film | Entrance exams |
Bussines Economics (three years studies) https://ef.ugd.edu.mk/documents/studiski/prv-ciklus/2023/Course_program_Business_Economics.pdf https://ef.ugd.edu.mk/documents/studiski/prv-ciklus/2023/Study_program_Business_Economics.pdf | 6 semesters/3 years | 240 | 30 full time / 10 part time | Faculty of Economics | / |
After you’ve decided on a study program and gathered all of the relevant information, we recommend that you:
- Check the admissions deadlines and dates.
- Prepare the required records (The procedure is lengthy and may take more than a month.)
Candidates submit/create an electronic admission application with their personal details and data from their secondary education at the website.
Due to electronic admission, the candidate should upload the following documents:
- Confirmation from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of North Macedonia that the procedure of diploma validations is started, issued by the Ministry of Education and science due to the submission of documents for Validation.
- Diploma or school leaving certificate of four-year secondary education.
- Transcripts of records for each of the four years of higher education;
- Proof of English language knowledge (it is necessary only in case the candidate did not study English language for 4 years in Secondary school).
- Birth certificate
- Certificate of residence or citizenship
- Copy of passport or identity card
- Proof of payment of the admission fee;
Each of the required enrolment documents (3-8) must be translated into Macedonian by a certified court interpreter, notarized and sealed.
The University offers assistance for translation and stamping by a certified court interpreter, but it is not mandatory. For additional information please contact Mrs. Julijana Denkova. E-mail: julijana.denkova@ugd.edu.mk
Regarding the entrance exam, faculties use it to choose which applicants to admit based on their total grade received in secondary school and the results of the entrance exam which tests aptitudes and abilities if necessary for the study program.
The entrance exam is required of all candidates for admission to the Faculty of Medical Sciences, the Academy of Music, and the Academy of Film.
The Admissions Committee can evaluate a candidate’s ability to finish a challenging course of study thanks to this approach. Every applicant must pass the admission test in order to be admitted.
For faculties that require an entrance exam, each applicant will receive an email with exam instructions after electronic admission is complete.
Dates and deadlines 2023/24 | First admission period | Second admission period | Third admission period |
Admission | 21, 22, 23 August | 5, 6 September | 19, 20 September |
Entrance exam | 26, 27 August | 10, 11 September | 23,24 September |
Preliminary results | 28 August | 12 September | 25 September |
Complaints and appeals | 29 August | 13 September | 26 September |
Final list of accepted candidates | 30 August | 16 September | 27 September |
Enrolment | 2, 3 September | 17,18 September | 30 September |
After registering in the electronic system, you can deliver the documents to the International Student office, Address: „Krste Misirkov“ No.10-A P.O. Box 201, Stip 2000, North Macedonia. e-mail: internationalstudentservice@ugd.edu.mk
Delivery of documents can be done after 05.08.2024 in the period from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
The documents must be submitted no later than the last day for admission according to the competition.
Address for submission of complaints and appeals: prigovori@ugd.edu.mk
Objection submission form (completed to be sent to the specified address): Form
Deadlines: First admission deadline: 29 august, Second admission deadline: 13 September, Third admission deadline: 26 September
Dear new foreign students,
Please find all the steps needed to be done in order to complete the application and enrollment process at the Goce Delcev University (for foreign students/candidates that are accepted):
1. Submission of the original documents in the foreign students’ office at the Goce Delcev University:
a. Decision for nostrification / recognition of the secondary school diploma, issued by Macedonian Ministry of education and science;
b. Secondary school diploma with an apostille stamp (or, for nations outside the Hague Convention, a stamp from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
c. Transcripts of the grades of the four-year secondary education;
d. Birth certificate;
e. Certificate of residence or citizenship;
2. Payment of all expenses for APPLICATION (ignore if it is already paid) and ENROLLMENT at the university In the following table there is information about the fees and the corresponding codes for payment, for both the application and enrollment, depending on the study program you are accepted at:
All the expenses can be paid at any bank / post and the payment slips are necessary to be submitted along with the documents for enrollment at the foreign students’ office. Please find all the examples for payments bellow:
1. English programs (General medicine – 6125 denars, Computer engineering and technologies – 3065 denars, International law and International relations – 3065 denars):
2. Macedonian programs (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина, Компјутерско инженерство и технологии, Физиотерапевти, Машинско инженерство):
- Application payment in amount of 300 denars
- Administrative tax fee in amount of 50 denars:
1. English programs (General medicine, Computer engineering and technologies, International law and international relations):
- Administrative tax fee in amount of 100 denars:
- One payment (slip) for part/all the expenses for the first semester (General medicine – 183750 denars, Computer engineering and technologies – 65900 denars for first semester in total or AT LEAST 35275 denars, International law and International relations – 65900 denars for first semester in total or AT LEAST 35275 denars):
2. For Macedonian programs (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина, Физиотерапевти, Компјутерско инженерство и технологии, Машинско инженерство):
- Administrative tax fee in amount of 100 denars:
- Tuition fee payment, Code 723012 (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина и Физиотерапевти – 45940 denars or at least 22970 denars; Компјутерско инженерство и технологии и Машинско инженерство – 30625 denars or at least 15315 denars);
- Laboratory and practical work fee payment, Code 723014 (Општа медицина, Фармација, Дентална медицина и Физиотерапевти – 6125 denars; Компјутерско инженерство и технологии и Машинско инженерство – 1000 denars);
- Study expenses fee payment, Code 723019, 2350 denars for all programs;
- ICSA and students’ parliament fee payment, Code 723119, 910 denars for all programs;
These four payments are as on the following slip (for each of the 4 slips, change only the code and the fee, all other data are the same):
- Sport center fee (same for all):
IMPORTANT: When submitting the documents and payments in the foreign students’ office, foreign students must inform the employees at the office about the elective courses in your first semester, as it must be added in your e-index.
All resources for students that will not make the complete payments or are with incomplete documents submitted will be erased / excluded from the system. Currently, foreign students’ eindex resources are fully functional as for all the other students.
More info about the paymets (payments from abroad) at https://www.ugd.edu.mk/en/admissions-first-cycle/.
All info for foreign students at the foreign students’ office: dimitar.ljubotenski@ugd.edu.mk, adrijana.vasileva@ugd.edu.mk.
Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/EzLudyqjK3TewQsU7
Kind regards,
Goce Delcev University in Stip.
- Entrance exam for the Faculty of Medical Sciences
Entrance exam for General Medicine in English
The outcome of the entrance exam, which entails two separate exams in biology and chemistry, along with the candidates’ overall grade point average from secondary/high school, are utilized to decide whether or not students would be accepted. The entrance exam in English will be administered online.
All applicants who successfully complete the admissions procedure will get an invitation to the entrance exam along with thorough instructions.
Admission scoring system at General Medicine
Based on a grading system, the general medicine admissions process is competitive. During the admissions process, an applicant may receive a maximum of 100 points (i.e., 100%). Out of a possible 100 points, 60 (or 60% of the total) are determined by the results of the admission exam (see below), and the remaining 40 (40% of the total) are determined by the cumulative grade point average from secondary and high school. The test consists of 60 multiple-choice questions with just one right answer; each question is worth 0.5 points. A total of 60 points, at most 30 points from the chemistry test and 30 points from the biology test, will be awarded.
All applicants must successfully complete the admission exam, which requires at least 31 out of a possible 60 points (30 for the biology test and 30 for the chemistry test).
Following exam completion by candidates, scoring will be completed and a list of applicants will be compiled. The first 80 candidates (or fewer, depending on the number of openings in the second term of the entrance examination) who passed the entrance exam will be admitted and enrolled in the first year of general medicine study.
Topics for the entrance exam in General Medicine
All questions in the entrance exam tests in Biology and Chemistry are based on the high school educational program.
The lists of topics in Chemistry and Biology are available at our website.
If you have additional questions related to entrance exam please contact contact-fmn@ugd.edu.mk
- Entrance exam on Music Academy
All potential candidates will have an online audition and interview.
How to apply: Applicants should send a CV and short video, to contact-ma@ugd.edu.mk
For further information about programs, please visit: https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
- Entrance exam on the Academy of Film
Potential candidates must have completed secondary education and will take an audition. All registered students will be given the opportunity for an online interview and a separate appointment for an audition after their documents have been reviewed.
How to apply: Applicants should a send CV and a short video, to contact-fa@ugd.edu.mk
For further information, please visit https://fa.ugd.edu.mk/index.php/mk/studiski-programi/prv-ciklus
Total fees per year:
Faculty | Application fee (Euros) | Transfer fee (Euros) | Tuition fee for self-financing (Euros) |
Faculty of Medical Sciences | 100 | 50 | 6000 |
Faculty of Law | 50 | 50 | 1000 |
Faculty of Computer Sciences | 50 | 50 | 2000 |
Faculty of Economics | 50 | 50 | 1200 |
Academy of Music | 100 | 50 | 1000 |
Academy of Film | 100 | 50 | 1000 |
- If payment is from a foreign country
Account name: Drzaven Univerzitet Goce Delcev – Stip
IBAN/ACCOUNT NUMBER: MK07 1007 0100 0083 202
REMARK: Correspondent bank details: Deutsche Bundesbank Zentrale
Adress: Wilhelm Epstein strasse 14 Frankfurt am Main Germany
Swift/Bic: MARK DE FF
- In each transaction, the student should mention: English language – Name of the Faculty.
- Information about bank account for payment in the Republic of North Macedonia:
Образец ПП50
Трансакциска сметка: 100000000063095
сметка на буџетски корисник: 160016033078822
приходна шифра: 723113
програма: 44
цел на дознака: English language- Name of Faculty.
If you have additional questions related to the payment procedure, please contact: internationalstudentservice@ugd.edu.mk
Students may transfer from other Universities to English undergraduate and integrated study programs offered by departments at Goce Delcev University for the following academic year.
The calls for transfer are announced along with three admission periods. (Link)
The following study programs are offered for the academic year 2024-2025, where students have the option to transfer to:
Duration | ECTS | Faculty | Transfer in: | |
Integrated Academic Studies of General Medicine https://www.ugd.edu.mk/documents/studiski-programi/en/medicina/en_Curriculum_General_medicine.pdf | 12 semesters/6 years | 360 | Faculty of Medical Sciences | First and second year |
Academic Studies of International Law and International Relations https://pf.ugd.edu.mk/documents/studiski/1-ciklus/2021/International-Law.pdf | 6 semesters/3 years | 180 | Faculty of Law | First and second year |
Academic Studies of Computer Engineering and Technologies* For more details, please send an e mail to: contact-fi@ugd.edu.mk | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | Faculty of Computer Science | First year |
Academic Studies of Jazz Guitar https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Guitar-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | Academy of Music | First year |
Academic Studies of Jazz Trumpet https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Trumpet-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | Academy of Music | First year |
Academic Studies of Jazz saxophone https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Saxophone-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | Academy of Music | First year |
Academic Studies of Jazz Percussions https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Percusions-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | Academy of Music | First year |
Academic Studies of Jazz Piano https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Piano-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | Academy of Music | First year |
Academic Studies of Jazz Bass* https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Bass-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | Academy of Music | First year |
Academic Studies of Jazz Singing https://ma.ugd.edu.mk/documents/1-ciklus/en/JAZZ-Singing-studiska.pdf | 8 semesters/4 years | 240 | Academy of Music | First year |
Contemporary Dance Performance | 6 semesters/3 years | 180 | Academy of Film | First year |
*The program is under process of accreditation
Applicants are accepted without having to take an entrance exam.
Admission Procedure for transfer students
- Complete the transfer application form online at the university’s website.
- Proof for payment for transfer (50 EU)
- Academic records and a copy of the study plan from the preceding faculty or university, notarized.
- Study program from the previous university/faculty
- The Vice Dean will then look over the student’s academic record and compare their prior coursework to the program they wish to enrol in. The number of courses that will be automatically recognized in the study program that the student wishes to enrol in will be communicated to them after the academic transcript has been assessed. The student receives a report indicating the number of courses and final tests they had successfully completed, as well as the potential enrolment year.
- The candidate next follows the enrolment process by submitting notarized copies of all required documents, including academic transcripts from the prior faculty or university and study plans to the international office.
- Transfer students from other universities pay the same tuition as other students because there is a flat rate for all students.
- This entails that student only pay tuition for the academic years they will be enrolled in. If a transfer student is permitted to participate in the second year of the study program, they will only be required to pay tuition for the second year and the years that follow.
If you have additional questions related to the transfer procedure, please contact:
VALIDATION (Nostrification)
The Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science must approve and acknowledge any diplomas related to prior high school education. Foreign school diploma validation requests must be made personally online.
Following preliminary assistance, the candidate will receive an e-mail inviting him or her to make an appearance at the Ministry of Education and Science to show the original documents for inspection.
You can find the list of the necessary documents on the website of the Ministry of Education and science
1. High school diploma with an apostille stamp (or a stamp from the Ministry of foreign affairs for the countries that aren’t part of the Hague convention)
- two copies of the diploma (one notarized);
- two copies of the diploma translated into Macedonian by an official court interpreter (one notarized)
2. High school transcripts of records for each year
- two copies of each high school transcript (one notarized);
- two copies of each high school transcript translated into Macedonian by an official court interpreter (one notarized);
3. Application form (https://mon.gov.mk/stored/document/molba_sredno_mk.pdf ) (see more)
4. Statement (https://mon.gov.mk/stored/document/Izjava-sredno-mk.pdf) (see more)
5. Birth certificate
- two copies (one notarized);
- two copies translated into Macedonian by an official court interpreter (one notarized);
6. Citizenship certificate
- two copies (one notarized);
- two copies translated into Macedonian by an official court interpreter (one notarized);
7. Proof of payment for Nostrification 3000 MKD
8. Proof of payment for Taxes 50 MKD
At the point of submitting the documents to the Ministry of Education and Science, the applicants will receive a receipt with a number and date as a confirmation that their documents have been taken for assessment. Due to the admissions process, applicants should save the receipt and submit a copy of it.
If you have additional questions related to the submitting procedure for Validation, please contact:
Obtaining a Macedonian personal identification number is necessary for studying at UGD!
A foreign student who intends to stay in the Republic of Macedonia for more than three months must have a temporary residence permit as a student. The foreigner submits the application for issuance of a temporary residence permit to the diplomatic and consular mission of the Republic of Macedonia in the country from which he comes. The diplomatic and consular mission of the Republic of Macedonia abroad receiving a request from a foreigner for issuing a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Macedonia shall forward the request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of the Interior brings decision on the request of the foreigner for issuing a temporary residence permit in the Republic of Macedonia. The decision for granting temporary residence shall be delivered to the foreigner through the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Macedonia – where the foreigner has submitted the request. A foreigner who is issued a decision on grant of temporary residence, shall be issued a temporary residence permit by the Ministry of Internal Affairs upon his/her entry into the Republic of Macedonia. The Ministry of Internal Affairs shall issue a temporary residence permit to the foreigner concerned in person.
Documents needed upon Visa Application
- Valid and recognized travel document for at least 3 months longer than the planned stay of the foreigner in the Republic of Macedonia
- Acceptance letter issued by the University stating the status of the student
- Study program for the envisaged education in the Republic of Macedonia issued by the University in the Republic of Macedonia (with a specified duration of the planned education and enrollment conditions in the next year).
- Certificate to prove the knowledge of the language in which the classes will take place
- Proof that s/he possesses subsistence means or his/her subsistence is ensured in any other legal way
- Proof of secured accommodation
- Filled application form for issue /extension of temporary residence permit (Form 2,MIA)
- Proof of health insurance
- Proof that the person has never been convicted by a court of law in the home country
- Proof that no criminal proceedings are instituted against the visa applicant (paragraphs 9 and 10 can go in one document)
- Photograph 3,5 x 4,5 cm
- Payment
Note: Any document that is not in Macedonian language should be translated and certified by a court interpreter and notary legalized.
Documents needed upon application for temporary residence permit that should be submitted at the local office of the Ministry of Interior Affairs:
- A decision on grant of temporary residence in the Republic of Macedonia
- Acceptance letter issued by a relevant educational institution in the Republic of Macedonia
- Rent agreement- notary verified
- Copy of the passport – notary verified
- Health insurance valid for a period of a year
- Copy of the bank account
- Payments on the account of the Ministry of Interior Affairs
IMPORTANT! Please bear in mind that the visa application process might take up to several weeks or even months so do try to file your application as soon as possible.
Obtaining a Macedonian personal identification number is necessary for studying at UGD!
The University has no other authorized persons or institutions in the country and abroad for mediating in the process of enrolling foreign students to UGD. Therefore, to avoid any attempts of fraud and abuse, please contact only our foreign student admission officer. The University refrains from cases of manipulation in connection to enrollment of foreign students by unauthorized persons or institutions.
Phone: +389 32 550 061
E-mail: internationalstudentservice@ugd.edu.mk
Address: „Krste Misirkov“ No.10-A P.O. Box 201 Stip 2000, North Macedonia