Prof. Darko Lazarov
The vice-rector for investments and development performs tasks under the authority of the rector which have been transferred by an authorization, and these tasks refer to activities related with supply, maintenance and modernisation of the equipment and the objects available to the University.
In that respect, the responsibilities of the vice-rector include public procurements or i.e. activities in the domain of planning annual procurements, determining their value and drawing up specifications in accordance with the needs and the requirements of the University and their realisation as well. Also, the vice-rector is in charge for determining, planning and developing new functions and modernising the UGD units.
The domain of work of thevice-rector for investments, maintenance and development includes the Centre for transfer of technologies that continuously develops science and research and involves the mutual connection of science and education.
The development of the home and the international cooperation in the knowledge transfer, trainings, application and development of the usage of the research results, the connection of ideas, technologies and creative force of the University with the economy, as well as commercial research are all part of the vice-rectors job.