
Isidora Janeva – Faculty of Informatics

"Have the courage to keep walking on your chosen path – no one else will walk it – only you."

Name and Surname: Isidora Janeva
Faculty and Study Program: Graduate of the Faculty of Informatics
Place of Employment: KPMG Deutschland

The studies at UGD provided me with the relevant knowledge I needed to set a direction for my career. My unique path at the Faculty of Informatics met the requirements of my chosen professional career with its interdisciplinary approach – something that is rare in the Balkans and should be further developed due to the enormous potential of this focused way of studying.

The size of the groups and the open communication style at UGD create a working atmosphere in which students can creatively acquire new skills.

What is truly special at UGD is the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and professors on exciting tasks and projects, some of which are international in nature, thanks to the excellent connections the University has with various associations and initiatives at the local, national, and international levels.

Collaboration with Erasmus+, Microsoft, as well as the opportunity to complete internships, are just some of the opportunities that UGD offers to its students. One of the most significant experiences for me came from participating in the Zoran Djindjic Internship Programme of German Business for the Countries of the Western Balkans, through which I had the chance to be an intern.

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