Fund for scientific & research work
In order to raise the level of the scientific and research work, to increase research competitiveness of the employees, to increase the number of scientific publications in indexed journals and to raise the level of research capacities, doctorands and number of researchers, the Goce Delcev University has formed a special fund for scientific and research work that uses its own resources to finance the research and the project of its employees. In this way UGD strives to be a modern, European and scientifically profiled university with clear aims of increasing the level of knowledge that it offers and sharing that knowledge with the society and the business sector. More information on the Fund for scientific and research work is available on:
Scientific & research centre
The Goce Delcev University devotes equal attention to the teaching and the scientific processes, led by the idea that an appropriate educational process can be developed only by an application of science into teaching or vice versa. This will further develop the academic knowledge and it will produce professional highly qualified staff, who will be able to respond to the new challenges in the fields they have been educated and they will proceed to build a professional career. The highest academic values are based on the scientific activities, the individual qualities are being developed and it creates intellectuals, who are the future of the society. Because of that, the scientific research at the University are often based on individual projects that are supported by the university’s fund, which also make the scientific and research activity more dynamic, and students are often included in the projects. Moreover, students are motivated through various prizes and recognition certificates, and certain programmes from the second and the third cycle are also supported financially. Read more on this topic here:
Office for scientific cooperation and projects
The Office for scientific cooperation and projects successfully functions within UGD. Its primary aim is to follow calls for the submission of financing projects from various programmes and informs the interested parties within the university; it also forwards the calls for conferences, symposiums and seminars. The office actively participates in the coordination of the team for scientific and research projects and helps the production of the project documentation; then it follows the realisation of the project positions and submits a report on the degree of realisation. The office also has an administrative role in keeping records of the scientific and research laboratories, projects and papers published in journals with an impact factor. Read more information about the scientific cooperation and projects here:
Conferences, Seminars, Workshops
Beside the encouragement and the promotion of the teaching and scientific work, one of the main aims of the Goce Delcev University is to share the acquired knowledge with many related parties, as well as to exchange knowledge, ideas and experience with other scientific institutions and the business community.
The University achieves this aim through a constant and active organisation of events such as conferences, seminars and workshops in various fields, where all relevant parties discuss on trending topics and achievements and open new discussion questions.
Find out more about all of the organized events here:
E-Repository and E-Journal
All scientific papers, university’s research results and electronic theses from the university’s academic staff are systematised and published on an electronic database called UGD Academic Repository, which is constantly available. Beside the scientific papers of the professors, the papers from other researchers and students are simultaneously published on the electronic database UGD Journal which represents a publishment of the university. The papers published on the UGD repository are available on: The papers published in the UGD Journal are available on:
The scientific and research work of UGD is being conducted at contemporary and modern well-equipped laboratories that enable the best conditions for research and innovation. There are 9 laboratories in various fields that function within the university, and some of them offer commercial services as well. The laboratories have implemented an internationally recognized quality standards and use contemporary and reliable methods of work.
Look for additional information on the laboratories here: